

自製小影片 - NoName 這是用Movie Maker做的




Lately I've been hard to reach 最近我變得令人難以親近
I've been too long on my own 我已經太久一段時間一個人
Everyone has a private world 每個人都有專屬於自己的天空
Where they can be alone 好讓自己有一個天地能夠獨自省思
Are you calling me? Are you trying to get through? 你打電話找我嗎?想和我說說話嗎?
Are you reaching out for me? and I'm reaching out for you 你想了解我嗎?我也想了解了解你……

I'm just so fuckin' depressed 我就是感到很壓抑
I just can seem to get out this slump 我似乎就是無法從蕭條中逃出去
If I could just get over this hump 除非我能從這座山頭翻過去
But I need something to pull me out this dump 但我需要一些事物把我從憂鬱裡拉出去
I took my bruises, took my lumps 身上帶著淤青和腫塊
Fell down and I got right back up 摔倒了也立刻爬起來
But I need that spark to get psyched back up 但我需要那種快感來使我振作起來
And the right thing for me to pick that "life" back up 對我來說正確的是將「人生」重新拾起
I don't know how I pry away 我不知道我怎麼搞砸的
And I ended up in this position I'm in 我告別了處在這種狀態中的我
I starting to feel distant again 再次開始感到冷漠
So I decided just to beat this pain 所以開始反擊痛苦
Up and tried to make an attempt to vent 站起來嘗試去發洩
But I just can't admit 但我就是無法承認
Or come to grips, with the fact that 或是去理解 那一個事實
I may be done with "dream" 我可能會和「夢想」一同赴死
I need a new outlet 我需要一個新的出口
I know some shits so hard to swallow 我知道有些事情很難嚥下
But I just can't sit back and wallow 我只是不能繼續乾等、沉溺
In my own sorrow 在我的傷感之中
But I know one fact 但我知道一個事實
I'll be one tough act to follow 我將成為難以追隨的領袖
One tough act to follow 跟隨我的腳步可不是一件輕鬆的事
Copy 儘管嘗試吧
One tough act to follow 跟隨我的腳步不是一件輕鬆的事
Here today, gone tomorrow 今日畢 明日始
But you have to walk a thousand miles 你得走一條漫長的路

Eminem - Beautiful
(大約有一半是自己翻譯的 看看就好吧~)




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